Just finished plying another 4 oz. of fingering weight (this skein has taken me about a month to spin).
I've uploaded photos to my computer - so here is what I worked on last week
This is Sandy's roving I purchased at Red Rooster. I used the picot cast on for the sock, though I'm not sure I ended up with the right side facing out. I'm knitting this on a size l needle - yippee!
This is 4 oz. from my stash that I spun and plyed last week at Mom's. I'm finally happy with the end result of my spinning, and I have to thank our time together at the retreat with getting me there.
Wow!! Your yarn is beautiful. You definitely have the plying thing down. Thanks for sharing your pictures. I got my loom today, too. I have it partially warped. I got to the part where you need another person to help you, and I am home alone, except for my birds. LOL!
I'm curious. What's the difference between an Knitter's Loom and a Rigid Heddle Loom? Please tell me, NOTHING! I don't need another toy!
I love your picot cast on. Your yarn looks good enough to eat! Y'all have GOT to stop talking about looms. I don't need another toy either! I am having a hard time finding a shawl pattern that I like. I want a Faroese one, but so far no luck. Any of y'all got a pretty one?
Angi, no, it is just a Rigid Heddle Loom. I am not sure if there is much difference. I think they just simplified things for us "non-weaver" types.
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