Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Fiber frustration and the reason why

I am so sorry that I haven't posted lately. Most of you know that I have recently become the grandmother of quadruplets. These precious babies have taken up most of my summer. Thankfully I was able to attend the Red Rooster Retreat and absolutely wallowed in fiber and friendship. Loving every minute of it of course. This is just a prelude for our new fiber friends that may be joining us soon. Of course we welcome all new fiber friends. I have not been able to finish one single knitting project this summer. I HAVEN'T EVEN BEEN ABLE TO SPIN!!!!!! I am Jonesing of course. But I have the only excuse I can give. I have been trying to help my son and daughter-in-law take care of the "QUAD SQUAD". I am sending a pic of the only things I have even tried. I would love to do the shawl that Jerry sent me the inst. for. I don't have enough brain power left to follow the inst. The Diamond Pattern shawl that the pics show don't even come close to showing the 8 or 10 times I have frogged back to the beginning and started all over again. My OCD and good sense are fighting. And I am glad to tell you that I am still alive to tell you that there is NO exhaustion like trying to feed, change, burp, rock, etc. ad infinituum three babies at once. Thomas was not home yet and three were more than enough for me. I am working on my third day of 11 in a row at work just coming off of a three day weekend of staying up from 8 in the morning until 4:30 in the morning. If I sound less than intelligent that is why. I am sorry that this is not all about fiber but I am too tired to post on spinnin skinny. I love y'all please forgive me.

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