I have been waiting and watching for someone-anyone- to put a new post on TF. what's up? I don't really have any new fiber news except that @#^%&*!! shawl which is still kinda eatin' my lunch for me. I have about a fourth of it done now. You know, knit 10 rows, frog 3 or 4, knit some more etc. The only failure is giving up and I AIN'T SKEERT!! Just dogged determination keeps me working on it. Babies are all home and doing what babies are supposed to do. I haven't seen them in three weeks or so. That has to change. I have been spinning up some fiber I got from Lynne at Red Rooster. Nothing really in mind for it, just wanted to spin. Hey Elayne, Kandy, Blaine, Jerry, Lynne, Sandy Caroline(who is on vacation right now, lulcky thing) Rosemary, Jennifer, Angi, what's up? Write darn it! I know you are all doing way more exciting things than I am at present.