Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Loom, The Loom

Knitter's Loom - No photos, haven't warped it yet, but it did arrive this afternoon and I skimmed through the instruction booklet.

Just finished plying another 4 oz. of fingering weight (this skein has taken me about a month to spin).

I've uploaded photos to my computer - so here is what I worked on last week

This is Sandy's roving I purchased at Red Rooster. I used the picot cast on for the sock, though I'm not sure I ended up with the right side facing out. I'm knitting this on a size l needle - yippee!

This is 4 oz. from my stash that I spun and plyed last week at Mom's. I'm finally happy with the end result of my spinning, and I have to thank our time together at the retreat with getting me there.


Carolyn said...

Wow!! Your yarn is beautiful. You definitely have the plying thing down. Thanks for sharing your pictures. I got my loom today, too. I have it partially warped. I got to the part where you need another person to help you, and I am home alone, except for my birds. LOL!

Angi said...

I'm curious. What's the difference between an Knitter's Loom and a Rigid Heddle Loom? Please tell me, NOTHING! I don't need another toy!

Pam said...

I love your picot cast on. Your yarn looks good enough to eat! Y'all have GOT to stop talking about looms. I don't need another toy either! I am having a hard time finding a shawl pattern that I like. I want a Faroese one, but so far no luck. Any of y'all got a pretty one?

Carolyn said...

Angi, no, it is just a Rigid Heddle Loom. I am not sure if there is much difference. I think they just simplified things for us "non-weaver" types.